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Supported Residential Facilities

Supported Residential Facilities (SRF) provide accommodation and personal care for people who require low-level assistance, accommodation and support to live a fulfilling life in a home-like environment. They can access needed services both within the facilities and through external providers. Personal care services may include help with bathing and dressing, managing medication and supplying healthy food, or even help with personal finances.

SRF are privately owned facilities regulated under the Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992, which defines a supported residential facility as ‘a premises at which, for monetary or other consideration (but whether or not for profit), residential accommodation is provided or offered together with personal care services (other than for members of the immediate family of the Proprietor of the facility).

Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992

Supported Residential Facilities Regulations 2009 

There are other support agencies and services that SRF Proprietors and residents can access including:

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Eastern Mental Health Services


licensing and auditing

EHA licence and regulates SRF within its Constituent Council areas   

EHA manages all SRF licencing matters including:

  • annual licence renewal 
  • licence transfer
  • new licence applications 
  • manager approval applications

For more information on Supported Residential Facilities, contact EHA on 08 8132 3600 or email

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Clinic Locations

  • Burnside Council Chambers

    Cnr Greenhill & Portrush Roads

  • Campbelltown - The ARC

    531 Lower North East Road

  • Prospect Council

    128 Prospect Road
    Prospect *enter via Vine St Plaza adjacent to Cibo

  • St Peters EHA Office

    101 Payneham Road
    St Peters

  • Unley Civic Centre

    Oxford Terrace

  • Walkerville Council

    66 Walkerville Terrace