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national egg safety trial

Food safety is directly linked to your brand and reputation.

Can your business survive a food poisoning outbreak?

Egg Safety

Does this affect my business and if so, how?
Under Australian law, food businesses are responsible for preparing and selling safe and suitable food. This is your opportunity to be involved in and influence future food regulation.

What will I get out of it?
This  voluntary project will be at no cost to your business. You will have the opportunity torecieve free ‘Egg Aware’ training and information. You will also receive a certificate of participation.

I’m interested. What is involved?
SA Health together with local councils, are leading a national project that will work with food businesses that prepare these raw egg foods to observe current practices and where applicable, discuss opportunities for improvement. Your local council Environmental Health Officer will visit your business to meet with you and your staff at the beginning and end of this six month pilot.

Want more information?
To participate in this short term project, please contact an Environmental Health Officer on 8132 3600 by 30 August 2019.

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Clinic Locations

  • Burnside Council Chambers

    Cnr Greenhill & Portrush Roads

  • Campbelltown - The ARC

    531 Lower North East Road

  • Prospect Council

    128 Prospect Road
    Prospect *enter via Vine St Plaza adjacent to Cibo

  • St Peters EHA Office

    101 Payneham Road
    St Peters

  • Unley Civic Centre

    Oxford Terrace

  • Walkerville Council

    66 Walkerville Terrace